About Me

Hello and welcome to Musings of a Preacher's Kid!
My name is Cheyenne and I'm 19 years young.
I was raised in a KJB believing Christian home and I'm a preachers kid! A few months ago I began courting an amazing guy who also happens to be a preacher. I'm so thankful for my goodly heritage and all the wonderful privileges that have come with my upbringing. Growing up, I loved being in the ministry and I look forward to learning more and growing in it. 
As a little girl my favorite games to play were "house" and "dress up". As I've grown older I still haven't grown out of my love for dressing up and playing house grew into a dream of becoming a wife and mommy. 
I'm not much, just a girl with a love for God and girly things! My hope with this blog is to be an encouragement in sharing a little of my life and likes with you. I hope you enjoy reading and learning along with me with every post.

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