Thursday, November 5, 2015

Cinnamon Detox Face Mask

I am the type of person who loves just about anything homemade and natural. I especially love homemade, natural beauty products because that means less harsh chemicals on my acne prone skin!
I've made things that turned out awesome and others were insanely epic Pinterest fails!

Tonight I tried, for the second time, a detox face mask. I liked the results I got the first time, so I thought I'd try it again and share it with y'all!

Its so easy and it only takes three ingredients that you already have in your kitchen! (That phrase is always music to my frugal ears 😆)

What you'll need:
1/4 to 1 teaspoon cinnamon (if your skin is really sensitive try going for less cinnamon, because its gonna burn a bit)
1 teaspoon flour
About a teaspoon of water

Mix dry ingredients together, then add water. Mix together into a paste. Add more water if you have to.

Apply all over your clean face an let sit for about a minute or so. The cinnamon will cause a burning sensation, but that's OK (unless you're allergic to cinnamon, in which case, this mask isn't really for you! 😉) I think I put a little more cinnamon in my mixture this time on accident because mine was pretty unbearable! *oops* 😯😳

After you let it sit for a bit, wash it all off with warm water then splash your face with some cold water. Your face will be a bit red, but it will go away in about ten minutes or so. 
Apply a little moisturizer to your face and that's it! Hope y'all like it as much as I do!

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